The first thing I noticed was that Athens' vibe felt totally different from Rochester's. Everyone's look was very "artsy", like I'd stepped into some underground scene. The Rochester jersey so commonly seen in my high school seemed completely out of place in this crowd. After eyeing the crowd, I was immediately drawn to the steaming vats of Caribou coffee and tables laden with baked goods. I was expecting a dingy little cafeteria with maybe a few clumps of people so I was surprised to see packed room decorated with pretty holiday lights. The back walls were transformed into a makeshift chalkboard where people leave their little doodles.
I think I watched about twenty-something performances. Most were acoustics and vocals. Favorites of the night:

1) a wonderfully exotic song called "Mayya, Mayya". The whole crowd was stomping and clapping to the beat. I was so taken with this performance, that I had to ask friend what song it was and search it up on Youtube. Not to be biased, but I think the singer at the Coffee House sounded better.
2) An acoustic rendition of the theme song to the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. The tune was so different that I didn't realize what song it was until I heard the lyrics. I used to love watching Fresh Prince and most of the people didn't get it. I felt like I was in on some secret joke. XDDDD

3) A quartet singing "You Belong With Me". Musically, it wasn't that extraordinary, but how can you resist the catchiest song of 2009? The video recording on my camera captured mostly nothing but blurry lights and my off-key singing hurhurhur.
4) The ukulele! Being the genius that I am, I was going around cooing "Oooh, look that little guitar! It's so adorable. How did she find one that small?" until someone kindly pointed "Ummm. That's a ukulele -_-." Honestly, I don't even remember what the song was because I was so enraptured by that ukulele. I think "ukulele" it's a perfect name for a cute mini-guitar. Ukuleleukulelekukulelekukuleleukulele. It's really fun to type too. Ukuleleukuleleukuleleukulele.

5) The reason I went to Coffee House! A performed "The Call" by Regina Spektor accompanied by C on the guitar. It's such an exquisite song and it was certainly worth the wait!

The music, poetry, and coffee.... It was one of those nights that makes you think. I just had to express my appreciation on the chalk wall. <3 Unfortunately, I ended up drinking wayyyy too much coffee and stayed up until 4am. D:
Random spazz: Lately so many people have been saying that I look younger than I am. Whenever I say that I'm a senior, people's eyes bug out and they go "What? I thought you were like a sophomore!" Even some of my friends forget that I'm a senior. :(

-sigh- I suppose it's true, but I think it's just because of my haircut and when I have no makeup on. Nobody said I looked younger than my age when I had my digital perm last year. >_>
1 comment:
YESSS, I'm glad you liked the Coffee House (just found your blog, hah). I've heard of the other monthly Coffeehouses too, but I think it makes it so much more spectacular when you build up the hype for just a semiannual event. Come to Teahouse May 27th :)
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