New Blog

Sooo my new blog is pretty darn personal.

Walking on Eggshells

My very astute English teacher said, at the beginning of my senior year, that our relationships with our parents will be particularly rocky this year. This is because it's really dawning on our parents that we're leaving. They'll try to assert their authority in various ways while we are trying to establish our independence. Naturally, this will cause a few clashes.

I just shrugged off my teacher's warning. 'Nah, that's probably true for other people, but not me. I have a pretty good relationship with my parents' I thought. And I was right. My relationship with my parents didn't seem to be strained throughout the school year. But then summer rolled around. I suddenly became the target of a smear campaign. My expressions, tone of voice, body language, and gestures are almost constantly accused of "offensiveness". Lately it feels like my parents are just constantly pick-pick-picking at little things and lecturing me. Trying to squeeze out the last drops of parenting before I leave, I guess. I know I'm definitely not perfect. I can be surly and irritable. I think my parents are just acting difficult. Sometimes they're giving me attitude and then turn the tables on me when I get annoyed.

It's never big fights, just small annoying ones like this...

I'm walking into the living room, composing a haiku in my head. I walk past my dad, who says something I didn't catch.

"Mmmhmm," I respond automatically, then realize I didn't hear a thing he said. I turn to him, "Oh wait, sorry, I didn't hear what you said. What was it?"

"Why weren't you listening?"

"Oh, uh.... I was thinking about something else so 我没反应过来. What did you say?"

"What were you thinking about?"

"Umm.... er... just stuff..."

"What stuff? You're always so muddle-headed! If you're like this in college, I don't know how you'll survive. It's like you're not even living in real life. What are you always thinking about anyway?"

"Umm well I was just composing a haiku. It's a type of poem. I'm not always thinking about haikus, I just happened to be at the moment."

"A haiku? What's that?"

"It's a Japanese poem. It has three lines."

At this point, I give up trying to find out what he originally said to me and take a seat, a little bit confused and worn out.

"Hey, didn't I tell you to set the table?"

"-exasperated sigh- Why didn't you just tell me that when I asked you what you said!?"

-begin long lecture on how I never listen-

Coughing Up Furballs

I'm often frustrated by my artistic shortcomings. :( I will vent it in the form of a tanka.

It's a sad truth that

a mind clogged up with clichés

leaves no room at all

for Originality

only dull, hackneyed phrases


What was the stupidest thing you’ve ever done when you were a teenager?

Umm… I never experimented with drugs or anything but there was this one time when I was fifteen. I was going through this phase where I really wanted to assert my independence. I wasn’t openly rebellious but I resented parental figures and authority. I thought I could take care of myself, you know? One weekend, my parents left to visit my sick uncle so I was alone for a night. Finally, there’s no one smothering me and I could do whatever the hell I wanted. It was my first real taste of freedom….. and I completely wasted it.

I started drinking on occasion when I was around twelve. One of my friends had an older brother in college so we had easy access to alcohol. So on my first night alone, I went to my friend’s booze party- it was a guy’s night. I was celebrating (or so I thought back then, perhaps I was really commiserating) my break-up from my first serious girlfriend.

I don’t really remember what we did that night: mostly the guys were congratulating me for being a “free man” again and we played video games until we got too drunk. Maybe it was the break-up, or maybe it was because I was feeling defiant, but I drank a lot more than usual. Around midnight, or a bit after, I decided to go home. My friend offered to let me stay the night but I was like “nah, I’m good”.

I lived pretty close. The thing was, I was so far gone I couldn’t even walk straight. I didn’t even know where I was going. I think threw up once or twice on the sidewalk. At one point, I must’ve fallen because I remember lying against some wall. And then this stranger, it was a woman, pulled me up. She asked me my age and I was so stupid I didn’t even lie. I can’t remember what she looked like but she was soft and she had this…. motherly feeling. Maybe that’s why I let her take me to her car. I didn’t even try to resist. If she’d been a criminal or a police officer I would’ve been so screwed.

She asked me where I lived. Actually, she had to ask several times before I could answer. The next few minutes or hours were a blur as I drooled in her car. Eventually we ended up in the driveway of my house. She made sure I was safely in my house before driving off. I didn’t even thank her. I don’t remember much of what happened once I was home. I felt really dizzy and tired but I was so drunk I couldn’t even climb up the stairs. The next afternoon my parents found me passed out at the foot of the staircase. Yeah. I was on house arrest for three months after that.

It was a very humbling experience. Brought me back to my senses. In the end, I still needed someone to look after me. I obviously wasn’t ready for freedom. Because freedom comes with a price I wasn’t ready to pay at the time.

What price?


Unfinished Blogpost That Will Remain Unfinished

At the regional competition, we stole 2nd place from Stoney. Apparently Adams and Stoney were always the winners.

At States, the we stayed at the Grand Amway for three nights. Imagine: four girls, 4 suitcases, 6 bags, in ONE room with two beds and one bathroom...... :O I won't get into the details, but you live together in one roof, that's when people show their true colors. <--- Okay, that sounds a little dramatic, but I did endure a lot of petty squabbles and arguments.

Extremely Belated Christmas Post

First Lesson of 2010
Do NOT depend upon others to upload pictures of you or events because there's a 67% chance it will be uploaded 5+ months later and 30% chance it will never be uploaded, leaving only 3% chance that photos taken by others will be uploaded within a desirable time frame. ((These stats are carefully documented from my own experiences)) Over winter break, I attended a New Year's party in which a lot of photos were taken by several different cameras, none of which were my own because my batteries died. :( I was naive enough to believe that the photos will be on FB for my viewing pleasure within a week.

The result of my laziness and naivete is that it is now February and the pics are no where to be seen. Okay, so what, a couple of party pictures weren't uploaded, big deal. YES IT IS A BIG DEAL for a camwhore like meeee! D: Every time I try to prod my friend into uploading the pics she either changes the topic or ignores me. Which makes me wonder "WHYYYY is she not uploading the pics!?" Is it simply laziness? Or they -leGASP- somehow got deleted and she's so traumatized from the loss that she refuses to speak of it? Or did they turn out horrible? There were a lot of funny videos and I DON'T CARE if I look horrible, I just want to see them! ><

Anyway, this isn't the first time I've had to mourn the loss of yet another set of photos. I am truly saddened to think of all the unseen photos in my life.

So in conclusion, I must bring my camera with me everywhere I go and shamelessly whip it out and coerce others into taking photos of/with me. :D

Off on a Tangent: One of my fantasies is to have a servant. I know many people probably wish they have a servant, but rather than having my servant do the usual chores such as cooking, cleaning clothes, or doing my homework I would much rather have my servant doing various odd jobs. Such as accompanying me to events or just on a good day and snap photos of my friends and I, finishing my half-eaten fruit, and combing my hair gently while I do my homework.

Anyway, back to the "Extremely Belated Christmas Post". Originally I wanted to upload the New Year pictures with the holiday pictures but after a month of waiting, I realize it's not going to happen.

A Bouche de Noel cake I made for French class. It's supposed to look like a log with snow on top. Fail. v_v

This is a little coconut boy a classmate received as a Christmas gift. It's mad adorable so I took a picture of it.

There's a new bakery at the mall. I love the decor, it's unapologetically pink and princessy!

My iTouch skin arrived!

.... Along with my present for the family, the "Grande Arbor Deluxe" set. :)

I had a little KTV party at my house. I originally wanted to invite some friends from Canada along with my friends in the US and go to Fuji's. But then since I got my pass to Canada, I decided to just invite a few US friends to chill at my house.

J showcasing his amazing falsetto in a rendition of "Because of You". When I first heard him sing at little G's last year, I was like "who is that girl?" LOLs. XD

At a dinner party celebrating big G's 17th. I committed such a faux pas that night. ^^; I wore this purple dress, which was the same one I bought for a guest at the dinner! LOLs now she knows she has a copy of my dress and big G's. Birthday girl's dress is the same one, but in blue.

My dinner, breaded sole fillet with mixed vegetables. I love the vibrant colors.

This is the downtown lit up with Christmas lights at night. It was very beautiful, every single store was covered in lights.

LOLs I know I look like Santa's little helper but I was not a festive mood at all. I wanted to just lounge around at home but my rents dragged me out to take Christmas pics. I didn't do my hair and makeup at all, just unwillingly pulled on some cheery clothes on and went out. I can't say I regret it though, the sights really were breathtaking. :)

Then we went home and warmed up with some nice green tea and chocolate mousse cake.

The traditional family photo. We didn't have a tree because my dad bought a huge stereo system and plasma screen instead, so my grandfather decorated our plastic plant with construction paper and ((LMFAO)) egg cartons!

OMG, this post just about killed me. Now I understand how strenuous it is to write and upload all these pictures, and there aren't even that many photos! I will no longer resent famous bloggers for taking so slow to update. Imagine the pain of having to sift through, photoshop, and upload hundreds of photos! x___x


Rushita-May: Yeah, it's weird because it's usually the parents who disapprove of their children's friends but in my case, I disapprove of some of my parents friends. XD I'm often biting back my tongue because it's not my place to criticize ((to their face, at least)).

Vincent: My first follower! :D Thanks, I'm glad you found my ramblings somewhat interesting. ^^

Shrewds and Misers

There's a reason why I infinitely prefer being friends with richer people to poor people. And by "rich", I don't necessarily mean millionaires but people who've lived a relatively comfortable life. By "poor", I mean people who've grown up in harsh conditions, struggling and counting every penny to make ends meet. Most people are familiar with the whole "spoiled rich people" and the "kind-hearted pauper" stereotypes, but this hasn't been the case in my life. From my experience, richer people tend to be more magnanimous and gracious, while poor people are shrewd and calculating. Even if said "poor" person has a sizable bank account (due to their penny-pinching ways), they are poor in spirit. I've grown up with these kinds of people throughout my life and I've tolerated their miserliness until recently I realized what a disgraceful image they present to the world. It pains me to say this, but I've noticed that these xiaoqigui are mostly from mainland China. In fact, at dinner parties, most mainland Chinese couples are known to be.... less generous than Taiwanese or Hong Kong couples. Smallest dish on the table? Probably belongs to a mainlander. The first one to take back their dish? Mainlander. The one who takes the most food home? Mainlander. Some people are so unclassy.

Like recently, my parents invited this man (whom I really don't think much of) to our new house. Instead of accepting or politely declining like a normal person, he starts asking if he could invite a bunch of strangers. This isn't the first time this happened, his wife once sent a mass email inviting people to our house for what was supposed to be a private party. Of course my mother said no, and this shameless one actually acted offended and sniffed, "Haiii, but you don't have enough people. It'll be boring." Excuse me? This is our house, why the hell should we invite people we don't even know? His house is damn crappy but he wants to show off, so therefore he invites people to our house. -_-* What's more, he has uppity-attitude because he thinks we have no friends here and he's doing us a FAVOR by inviting these strangers. HAHAHAHA, if only he knew that my 'rents only grudgingly invited him out of courtesy! We have so many people and so many dinner parties, it would have been easier on us if he didn't came. Of course, he did end up coming, wife and sulking (but with a hearty appetite :D) teenager in tow.

A couple of days ago, my parents had yet another dinner party. It was a potluck for several families. One woman arrived and when my grandma greeted her, she hastily grunted, dropped her eyes to the floor, and nodded. Then she scurried (yes, scurried) to the living room. WTF? Okay, she's not a mouse nor is she a child, she should know basic manners. Is it so hard to look people in the eye and greet them properly? Some people have no social skills whatsoever. I am certainly not a social butterfly myself, but at least I make an effort to be polite and pleasant. While the other men and women were chatting, she and her husband sat stiffly in their seats by themselves. My grandma saw this and attempted to make some small talk. She gave monosyllabic answers and kept her eyes on her plate. v___v When the party neared the end, she asked my grandma for a bag and dumped the contents of a chip bowl into it. "My daughter likes these," she explained. No pleases. No thank yous. Ahhh, but this woman grew up poverty-stricken in the countryside so I can understand her actions.

This OTHER woman at the dinner party was more guofen. Throughout the party, she greedily ate the best dishes, taking HUGE pieces of meat, not at all considering the other guests who might want some as well. Okay, this by itself isn't so bad since it is a dinner party after all, and there's nothing wrong with a big appetite. I'm not against people who eat or spend a lot, but I hate people who freely help themselve's to other people's things while carefully hoarding their own (money, food, etc.). When the party was wrapping up, she immediately tucked away her own dish so the other guests couldn't take some of it home. In potlucks, it is usual for the guests to either divvy up the remaining dishes or leave it at the host's house. We had a large portion of my dad's chicken left over, and she declared that she was taking some home for her daughter (why do these people like to use children as an excuse for their greediness?). Sure, go ahead. But then she took the WHOLE chicken. Didn't even share with the other guests! Didn't bother with a thank you. And throughout the party, she kept bringing up awkward topics such as her husband's non-existant infidelity with a blonde woman who happened to fall asleep in a hammock next to his hammock. (LMFAOOO such a stupid paranoid woman XDD)
Today, a couple of days later, we ran into this woman again. And she DIDN'T EVEN GREET US. She clearly saw us and hastily tried to shuffle past us. Damn obviously trying to ignore us because we even made eye contact! My mom didn't let her off and said loudly, "Hi, (name)!". Only then she feigned (terribly) a look of surprise and exchanged a few words before leaving. Ridiculous! We only saw her a few days ago, she took the entire chicken dish, and now she doesnt even aknowledge us? What nerve, this woman. Ugh, no class at all.

I guess poor really doesn't mean the amount of money one owns. People who are poor in spirit will always be poor even if they are billionaires. I really don't believe that people who are poor in spirit can attract great wealth anyway. I just feel like these people are always trying to take advantage of me/us in some way. Their minds always seem to be along the lines of "What's the minimum contribution I can make to reap maximum benefits hehehe?". I feel sorry for their children, being instilled with this philosophy. I've seen a few children who would've been good people but are now corrupted by their parent's shrewdness. And the cycle goes on....

LOLs a funny picture to lighten up this rather heated post. XDDD

2010 New Year's Resolutions

I never make New Year's resolutions but 2010 is my year
. I can already feel the difference between this year and the past two years. :D

1. Keep my nails long (So far, so good)

2. Comb my hair at least 50 strokes a day

3. Open up a Let It Grow account and save $40 a month

5. Run 2 miles a day at 5 mph except on Sundays