First Lesson of 2010
Do NOT depend upon others to upload pictures of you or events because there's a 67% chance it will be uploaded 5+ months later and 30% chance it will never be uploaded, leaving only 3% chance that photos taken by others will be uploaded within a desirable time frame. ((These stats are carefully documented from my own experiences)) Over winter break, I attended a New Year's party in which a lot of photos were taken by several different cameras, none of which were my own because my batteries died. :( I was naive enough to believe that the photos will be on FB for my viewing pleasure within a week.
The result of my laziness and naivete is that it is now February and the pics are no where to be seen. Okay, so what, a couple of party pictures weren't uploaded, big deal. YES IT IS A BIG DEAL for a camwhore like meeee! D: Every time I try to prod my friend into uploading the pics she either changes the topic or ignores me. Which makes me wonder "WHYYYY is she not uploading the pics!?" Is it simply laziness? Or they -leGASP- somehow got deleted and she's so traumatized from the loss that she refuses to speak of it? Or did they turn out horrible? There were a lot of funny videos and I DON'T CARE if I look horrible, I just want to see them! ><
Anyway, this isn't the first time I've had to mourn the loss of yet another set of photos. I am truly saddened to think of all the unseen photos in my life.
So in conclusion, I must bring my camera with me everywhere I go and shamelessly whip it out and coerce others into taking photos of/with me. :D
Off on a Tangent: One of my fantasies is to have a servant. I know many people probably wish they have a servant, but rather than having my servant do the usual chores such as cooking, cleaning clothes, or doing my homework I would much rather have my servant doing various odd jobs. Such as accompanying me to events or just on a good day and snap photos of my friends and I, finishing my half-eaten fruit, and combing my hair gently while I do my homework.
Anyway, back to the "Extremely Belated Christmas Post". Originally I wanted to upload the New Year pictures with the holiday pictures but after a month of waiting, I realize it's not going to happen.
A Bouche de Noel cake I made for French class. It's supposed to look like a log with snow on top. Fail. v_v
This is a little coconut boy a classmate received as a Christmas gift. It's mad adorable so I took a picture of it.
There's a new bakery at the mall. I love the decor, it's unapologetically pink and princessy!
My iTouch skin arrived!
.... Along with my present for the family, the "Grande Arbor Deluxe" set. :)
I had a little KTV party at my house. I originally wanted to invite some friends from Canada along with my friends in the US and go to Fuji's. But then since I got my pass to Canada, I decided to just invite a few US friends to chill at my house.
J showcasing his amazing falsetto in a rendition of "Because of You". When I first heard him sing at little G's last year, I was like "who is that girl?" LOLs. XD

At a dinner party celebrating big G's 17th. I committed such a faux pas that night. ^^; I wore this purple dress, which was the same one I bought for a guest at the dinner! LOLs now she knows she has a copy of my dress and big G's. Birthday girl's dress is the same one, but in blue.

My dinner, breaded sole fillet with mixed vegetables. I love the vibrant colors.
This is the downtown lit up with Christmas lights at night. It was very beautiful, every single store was covered in lights.
LOLs I know I look like Santa's little helper but I was not a festive mood at all. I wanted to just lounge around at home but my rents dragged me out to take Christmas pics. I didn't do my hair and makeup at all, just unwillingly pulled on some cheery clothes on and went out. I can't say I regret it though, the sights really were breathtaking. :)
Then we went home and warmed up with some nice green tea and chocolate mousse cake.
The traditional family photo. We didn't have a tree because my dad bought a huge stereo system and plasma screen instead, so my grandfather decorated our plastic plant with construction paper and ((LMFAO)) egg cartons!
OMG, this post just about killed me. Now I understand how strenuous it is to write and upload all these pictures, and there aren't even that many photos! I will no longer resent famous bloggers for taking so slow to update. Imagine the pain of having to sift through, photoshop, and upload hundreds of photos! x___x
Rushita-May: Yeah, it's weird because it's usually the parents who disapprove of their children's friends but in my case, I disapprove of some of my parents friends. XD I'm often biting back my tongue because it's not my place to criticize ((to their face, at least)).
Vincent: My first follower! :D Thanks, I'm glad you found my ramblings somewhat interesting. ^^
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